What is Teff?
Teff is a grain native to Ethiopia.
For centuries, people in Ethiopia have used teff as a staple part of their diet - now you can too.
Teff is a tiny grain that’s full of health benefits.
22% IRON - helps in producing energy and maintaining immune function
52% MAGNESIUM - an essential mineral used by your nerves and almost every tissue in your body
100% MANGANESE - an essential element that contributes to bone formation and energy metabolism
22% PROTEIN - a macronutrient that helps your cells grow, repair and build strong muscles
22% CALCIUM - Contains the highest amount of any grain. Your body needs calcium to build and maintain strong bones
30% DIETARY FIBRE - which helps keep your gut happy and healthy and reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease
Teff is high in RESISTANT STARCH which helps support your gut bacteria and has been found to help the body resist some cancers.
All this, and it’s delicious too!
Contains more calcium than any other grain.
More versatile than quinoa.
Excellent amino acid composition (including all 8 essential amino acids for humans) and has lysine levels higher than wheat or barley.
Two times more dietary fiber than brown rice.
Is lower in GI than buckwheat.
One of only few grains to contain vitamin C.